To Let
The property comprises a prominent, standalone industrial unit arranged at ground floor level, providing open plan workshop space fitted for bodyshop repair purposes with ancillary offices.
The premises benefit from two roller shutter doors, spray booth plus front forecourt with a further gated hardstanding yard to the side.
Beckenham is a prosperous and popular suburb located in the Borough of Bromley approximately 8 miles south east of Central London and 5 miles north-east of Croydon.
The premises are situated at the southern end of Chaffinch Road, close to its junction with Beckenham Road (A234). The property is located within approximately 60 metres (1-minute walk) of Clock House Railway Station, providing direct and regular services to central London.
4,475 sq ft (415.74 sq m)
The premises are available to let on the basis of a new full repairing and insuring lease for a term of years to be agreed at a commencing rent of £56,000 (Fifty-Six Thousand Pounds) per annum exclusive.
The lease is to be granted outside the security of tenure provisions of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 (as amended).